Enrollment Agreement

(Child’s Name)
Clear Signature

1. A non-refundable Registration fee of $200.00 ($100.00 for each additional child) is required upon enrollment. In instances of agency reimbursement, the Registration Fee is to be paid according to the applicable contract.

Clear Signature

2. Another registration fee will be due if the child(ren) is/are withdrawn and then re-enroll.

Clear Signature

3. I understand that tuition is due in advance and payable on the 1st business day of each week. Tuitions not paid by the close of business will incur a $25.00 late fee. Children will not be able to attend the 2nd business day of the week if tuition has not been paid in full.

Clear Signature

4. There are NO DEDUCTIONS for HOLIDAYS OR PARTIAL WEEK attendance. NO DEDUCTIONS will be given for non-attendance due to illness. Your children will be given one-week free vacation after being enrolled for 12 consecutive months.

Clear Signature

5. We do not accept CHECKS or CASH. Payment can be made by money order or credit card. Credit card payments may be made at the kiosk or online. The online portal is myprocare.com. There is a $2.00 administrative fee added to all credit card transactions. Administrative fees may increase but advance notice will be given.

Clear Signature

6. ACH payments may be set-up for bank drafts. The bank drafts will be free of charge to those who choose to use it.

Clear Signature

7. A two-week written notice is required when withdrawing. Withdrawal without a two-week notice will incur a cancellation fee equivalent to two weeks tuition for the number of children enrolled. Should a 3rd party collection agency get involved, the parent is responsible for all costs associated with the collection efforts.

Clear Signature

8. I agree to pay the current weekly tuition rate throughout my child(ren)’s enrollment including the two-week withdrawal notice period.

Clear Signature

9. LATE PICK-UP. Childcare services are provided from 6:30am-6:00pm, Monday-Friday all year long except on specified holidays. A late pick-up charge will be assessed to all Child(ren) not picked-up by 6:05pm. There will be a grace period of 5 minutes. Late charges are as follows: 6-15 min ($15), 16-30 min ($30), 31-45 ($45). Payment is expected at time of late pick-up.

Clear Signature

10. I agree to keep the center informed of changes in any contact information and any changes to health information pertaining the child(ren).

Clear Signature

11. To ensure that my child can participate in all activities and events, I will make sure that my child has closed toed shoes on while attending school.

Clear Signature

12. I agree to label all items brought into the center and understand any item brought into the center not labeled will be labeled by the child’s teacher. Labeling needs to consist of the child(ren) first and last name.

Clear Signature

13. I agree to pay an annual supply fee of $100.00 per enrolled child. A $50.00 charge will be applied to your account on the 1st day of September and the 1st day of March.

Clear Signature

14. I agree to provide my child(ren) a small blanket weekly for nap time and take it home and launder it on Friday to be returned on Monday. If I do not provide a blanket weekly, I agree to pay the center $2.00 per day for the use of a blanket. This blanket fee is due and payable on the following 1st business day of the week. A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed for late payment.

Clear Signature

15. Agency Reimbursement. I understand that I am solely responsible for any tuition payment and late fees in excess of any agency, and 3rd party reimbursement, in accordance with the applicable contract. I also understand that I am solely responsible for promptly communicating any changes in my status that would affect my agency reimbursement, and that I am solely responsible for payment of any tuition in excess of any agency or 3rd party reimbursement resulting from my failure to promptly communicate status changes. If I fail to properly enter or swipe attendance for any day my child(ren) is in attendance, I understand that I am solely responsible for the payment of tuition.

Clear Signature

16. I understand that if my child attends full time, a ten percent (10%) discount is offered to me for each additional child from my immediate family who enrolls in a full-time program. The discounts are applied to the lowest tuition rates. These discounts are available only t those accounts when full tuition is paid in advance. Discounts are not applicable on any fee or services, Agency Co-Pays, or special program promotions and cannot be combined with any other discount or promotion.

Clear Signature

17. I understand that I will be notified should my child(ren) become ill during the day, and I will pick up my child(ren) upon such notification. If my child(ren) is exposed to or contracts a contagious disease, I agree to notify the school and I understand that; my child(ren) will only be re-admitted according to the readmission criteria dictated by State Child Care Licensing.

Clear Signature